Here are what pictures I have of the last week. We had a great time visiting with Wes' parents and Jay was very happy to have a constant audience as well as his favorite people to spoil him rotten. I enjoyed a few hours each day shopping/cleaning/etc in the peace and quiet while they entertained him. And Wes had a lot of time at home with us since this week was very light at work.
Today we took Jay to the Children's Garden and let him walk and run to his heart's desire and now he is fighting a nap by pulling all of his books off the shelf. I decided recently that I officially have a "wild man" on my hands. I always heard friends say that about their boys, thinking that they were just being cute, but now I see that is about the only way to describe it. He makes it his goal to cover as much area as possible, getting as far away as possible from where we started, and if we come after him...well that's even better - it means a good game of chase is about to begin. When he is tired of running, he comes inside and pulls, pushes, and throws anything and everything in his path until the house looks like a tornado came through. Right now, he is trying to put my memory card in the floor fan. Earlier, he was insistent on taking all of the dirt out of my flower pot. Every time he gets in his chair he has to jump up and down on it for about 5 minutes. And if I dare leave the pantry door open, I may just find him climbing onto the shelves knocking down whatever cans in his way. Taking clothes out of drawers, dishes out of the dishwasher, pulling towels down, and throwing half of his toys down the stairs are all daily occurrences. And speaking of the devil, he just pushed the fan over and looks very proud of his accomplishment. So now I know what having a wild man means and am scared to think about the stories of distress that are in my future.
Well, I tried to upload 2 videos but it didn't work so I'll try again later in the week.
PS. In the time that I was letting the videos upload Jay threw the hose sprayer down the storm drain outside (Wes had to climb down and get it), jumped off the couch and bruised is face, and Wes had to pull a tick out of his head. I'm telling you, he NEVER stops. :)
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