Running through the water!
A little more brave now...
He ran from the waves every time, but then went right back to the water to splash!
The cutest man on the beach!
He had french fries with ketchup for supper that night....that counts as a vegetable in our world
First walk on the instant party.
We had to take turns running after him
Fun at home...helping Mimi vacuum
He dumped all of his toys out of the basket and used it as his chair
The day I realized I had lost the war....nothing is beyond his reach now.
Putting on make-up. He does this every morning with me. (Wes is very proud) ;)
I am just now getting a chance to update the blog and may not get as much done as I hope since Jay is wide awake right now. I have a lot of pictures from our week with mom and a few just around the house. We had so much fun with MiMi last week. Jay had constant attention and I had constant help! It was wonderful. :) We shampooed carpet, cleaned furniture, cleaned my car, organized and framed a ton of pictures, went to the zoo, to Charleston, to the beach, and played, played, played! We even got to catch up with the Fuller's on the way to the beach and it was so good to see them (my old youth minister from NBC).
Right now Jay is holding his bear and rocking on his horse. He is really learning so much lately. I can't even keep up with everything. He mimics everything we do. I am realizing how much of a clean freak I am now that Jay copies everything I do. I'm pretty sure he knows how to use every cleaning tool in the house. The other day he was watching me wipe the table so I gave him the washcloth and put him on the table. He scrubbed as hard as he could and thought it was the greatest thing. It was so cute. Speaking of the table, he learned how to climb on top of it a few weeks ago and it has been a full-time job keeping him from climbing on it every chance he gets. The other day Wes and I were dosing on the couch while he played. All of the sudden, I hear slurping, jump up, and find him sitting on the table drinking my tea out of the glass!
He says a few more words now...out, done, mom, thank you (sound like ta-yoo), moo (he thinks all animals moo...the dog, cat, ducks), whoa, and no (not excited about that one). The other day Wes was on call and I was bathing him. He stood up (meaning he's ready to get out) but pushed me away and cried. I kept asking if he wanted out and finally he screamed, "Dada out! Dada out!" It was pitiful....he only wanted his daddy. That was the first time he said "out".
He also can climb up the stairs on his toddler slide all by himself (mom taught him this and the first 20 times he thought it was hilarious to fall off of the stairs so she would catch him). He can get out of the tub with one of us as a stabilizer. He knows how to turn on/off the printer now and will do that over and over until I stop him (I'm waiting on it to crash from command overload). He still says uh-oh all the time and uses it to get out of trouble...earlier he was on the table and I told him not to take the cover off of my herb garden, he looked at me, looked back at the garden, hesitated, and then took the cover off, looked back at me and said, Uh-oh! I told him that was not uh-oh, that was on purpose. He does that anytime he knows he did not obey me. And, I confess, sometimes he is just so darn cute, it does get him out of trouble. :) That is all for now...he is insisting that I play with him...I'll do more later.
Beach baby! We went to the beach last week too. Charleston is beautiful, I have been there a few times and always fall in love with it's beauty. I love all the different expressions Jay shares in all the photos, always a new or different one. So cute!