Jay, Eli, and June!

Jay, Eli, and June!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

11 days old!

We showed Eli the mobile a few days ago and he watched it for a little while. This was a lifesaver with Jay so I am sure Eli will love it more as he gets a little bigger.

Following the blue frog

Cutie Pie Face

I thought this was such a cute pose....it seems like we get the goofiest faces when Wes is burping the boys...

I think his big hands and firm pats send them into a state of shock. :)

Reading through the mail

Eli is sorting through the junk mail...

This one requires some serious concentration

Jay made sure to get in on the fun

Wes and I took Jay for a few hours while mom watched Eli. We took a train ride together and he was so happy, as you can tell. It was nice to be able to spend time with him one on one....as if he doesn't make sure to stay the center of attention  at home...
Today Eli is 11 days old and getting cuter and cuter. We have had a long few days as Jay goes through the normal transition of sharing mama's attention. He is very sweet with Eli but always has to be right with me, especially when I am trying to nurse. And if the days weren't enough he somehow manages to know exactly when I wake up to feed Eli in the middle of the night and demands my attention then also. Mom gets up and tries to take care of him but he says, "no, I need my mommy" and won't let her do anything for him. So I am learning how to get things done with a toddler on one arm and an infant in the other. Good practice for when all of my help leaves!  I told mom the other day that I don't know what I am going to do when she goes home. It has been such a blessing to have her here. She and Jay have spent a lot of time playing inside and outside. With me constantly feeding Eli I would not be able to do half as much as she has with him and I know he would be a mess by now. And I would probably have lost my mind. :)  Next week Wes' parents are coming up after mom leaves and that will be wonderful for us also. The following week will be my first without anyone else here and I will be ready to get us on a pattern of normalcy by then, I'm sure. Jay starts part time preschool then also so every tues and thurs mornings he will be entertained and I will have some time with just Eli.

As for baby boy, he is still as sweet as ever. He is eating well, sleeping well, and burping well (which is why I think he is always so content). We could never get Jay to burp so he was gassy and screamed all of the time. Eli does have a strong pair of lungs though and if I take too long to feed him he will let us have it. But it is so rare that we all just watch him and laugh. He only wakes up once at night for me to feed him and I am hoping it stays that way. The only thing is when I feed him around 10pm he gets wide awake and doesn't want me to lay him down. So he have had some late nights. Of course, he sleeps until 8am or later so it wouldn't be an issue if I didn't have wild man coming in my room at 7am or before saying, "mom! the sun came up! it's time to get up!" Sometimes he will climb in bed with me but after a few minutes he says, "mommy, i gotta go poopey" or "i need some drink" so then I have to get up and take care of him. Maybe I can get them on the same sleeping schedule soon.

I can tell, already, that he has his Daddy's personality which is exactly what I was praying for!  Jay has way to much of my firey, bossy, stubborn, and dramatic tendencies that I don't think this house could hold another type A family member!  He is so chill, will let us just put him down, and goes along with whatever is happening around him. As he grows I hope I just see more of his laid back daddy in him and that Jay doesn't rub off on him. I will have to make sure that he has enough spunk to put Jay in his place though. Otherwise big brother will, no doubt, bulldoze right over little brother. ahhhhh! what I have to look forward to!

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