Jay, Eli, and June!

Jay, Eli, and June!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Dogs make great babysitters...

Here are a few pictures from the week. We are finally back to our schedule and Jay is having a ball with new toys. It has been a busy week for Wes but he has a day off tomorrow so we will have to plan something fun. Jay's two bottom teeth are getting big and I see them every time he smiles....it is too cute. I am thinking the top two will cut through in the next week. So far, he is handling the "teething thing" pretty well...even with a cold. Since we have been home Jay has decided that Jake is his new best friend. He loves crawling on him, standing on him, jumping over him, pulling his hair and tail, feeding him, and riding him (when I am willing to participate). Jake, however, has decided that this innocent little baby has transformed into a killer monster over the last few weeks. Fortunately, our big giant is as gentle as they come and is very patient with all of Jaybird's games. When he just can't take it anymore he just stands up, grunts, and goes to our bedroom for some peace and quiet as if to say, "what an annoying little creature." Jay just laughs and moves to the next thing. The cutest thing to me is that every morning I go get Jay out of his crib and about the time we walk out of his room, Jake has made his way to the top of the stairs. When Jay sees him he cracks up and starts shaking and clapping, like it is the greatest surprise. He literally does this every morning. I love it! That's all the stories I have for now, enjoy the pics! I couldn't resist a picture of Jay sleeping on Jane and Josh last night....they are naturals! Feeding Jake...
Why hold the cup when you can just sip out of it like a dog! (Mom, show this to Hannah the next time she's in the office).
One of the few times he is actually willing to just sit and be sweet with me...
Jay in his precious new outfit from the Ross' (they all are precious on him Mama Ross and Papa Tim)!
My very helpful babysitter (and vacuum)...
Too bad we can't let him sit like this when we are driving....happy as can be
Jay pulled all of the towels down from the counter (happens about 10 times a day). Before I gained what little motherly wisdom I have, I stored dishes on that counter....a few close calls and I did some rearranging.
A flip-flop is a good toy right??? I mean, a few germs never hurt anyone.


  1. he is such a handsome little guy...with such an easy smile!! i want to see him!!!! we miss ya'll! sounds like ya'll are doing very well. :)

  2. Oh Jay is so handsome...and having such a ball!! I remember when Caroline first took an interest in Isabelle our cat...poor cat has never had the same lifestyle since! Wish little Jay could fall asleep on us sometime...however my belly is quite round right now, he probably wouldn't be able to get comfy!
