This week we have been trying to get our impatient baby to crawl. He gets up on all fours and rocks as hard as he can, like he's trying to propel himself forward. When that doesn't work, instead of focusing more and trying again, he plops onto his tummy and yells in anger. How do you teach a 7 month old perseverance??? Wes can't stand it...he'll get down on the floor with Jay and crawl around and then take his legs and try to get him to crawl, usually ending in Jay going face first onto the floor and not happy about it. Typical dad, I guess, wanting his son to be the most advanced and talented around! Wes wasn't even worried about it (babies usually start crawling between 7 and 10 months) until he came home the other day and saw Truman (about 2 weeks older than Jay) crawling around like he was a pro and Jaybird just laying on his back clapping, perfectly content with be the laziest baby on the earth! After that, Wes entered Jay into bootcamp. So far, it has not worked.
Jay is starting to pull himself up and stand with assistance. The other day I walked in and saw him standing on the edge of his crib just waiting for someone to come in and see him. When he saw me he was so excited he lost his balance and slammed his head into the crib, resulting in a very angry baby. I posted a few pics of Jay "standing" in the living room the other day.
We have seen Wes a lot this week which is always nice. He is finished with the VA this month and is now on infectious disease. There is no call with this one but I think he will work long hours in the day and some weekends. Yesterday, he got done early so we ate lunch and then walked along the riverwalk for a while. It was so pretty outside so Jay loved watching the trees, water, people, and dogs run around. He is definitely a “people watcher.”
Jay is watching his baby einstein dvd's right now and loves them. He favorite dvd, though, is the baby sign language one, even though he isn't signing yet. I noticed the other day I have been letting him watch the one for "12 months and above" so I took it out and put in the "6 months" one. He looses interest very quickly with that one so we are back to watching the "12 months" dvd. He will watch that one all the way through. I can't help it if my baby is the smartest ever!
I think that’s all for now. I noticed the other day that I have taken over 1000 pictures with my camera since Jay’s been born. Of course, a lot of them have been deleted but still, I think I am obsessive.
Also, in case you were wondering, to see old posts and pictures scroll down to the last post on the page and click on “older posts.” Just keep hitting it and it will bring them up one by one. I know all of you just sit around all day staring at old pics of Jay….seriously I just thought the grandparents would like to know this. :)
I'm nominating you for best new blog of the year! Very well-written and fun pics. A+++!!