Jay is now over 7 months and is getting bigger everyday. His hair is no longer peach fuzz but real strands! It still isn't long enough to comb, of course, but hair none-the-less. :) Still no teeth yet but he loves baby food and would probably eat it constantly if we let him! So far, the only thing he doesn't like is peas. I thought he didn't like carrots but it turns out it's just my homemade carrots that are repulsive to him...the store bought jars are wonderful! I am very offended.
The nights are much shorter than before. I guess, in my naive mind, I thought that once he started sleeping soundly through the night at 11 weeks, that part of parenting was over for good. I was very wrong! He has not slept all the way through in several weeks. Sometimes I can just give him his pacifier and he'll go back to sleep and other times I have to feed him. Of course, we have played the "let him cry himself back to sleep" game a few times too....as he proved that he can SCREAM with all of his strength for over an hour, either out of true distress or stubbornness, I'm not sure. Hopefully, I can get him sleeping again soon. Ugh!
We have officially started baby sign language even though he won't be able to start making signs himself for another few months. We are watching the video and he loves it! He is mesmerized the entire time they are on....it's so funny. I went to Target and bought more DVD's yesterday so when we gets bored with this one he will have more to watch.
As for milestones, he is scooting more but still not crawling. He wants to, and gets very mad when he ends up plopping to his tummy instead of moving forward. His coordination his not quite there yet. Wes and I are going to baby proof the house next week so when he does start, we'll be ready.
He isn't making any new sounds and really just prefers to squeal over any real babbling. When Wes and I take him to the store and I try to find them, I just listen for the constant squeals... works every time. Thankfully, they aren't too high-pitched so it's more funny than annoying...at least to us...the people in Wal-Mart may disagree. :)
he is growing up so fast!! that is too funny about the carrots....i tried making camden's food at first, too, and just thought she was a picky eater, then one day i sent some Beechnut with her to daycare (when we were in Macon) and Ms. Tawanna told me to not ever bring that homeade stuff back again bc Camden loved the Beechnut. I, too, was offended. And, confused, as the baby food jars say they are only the vegetable (or fruit) and water....that's what i did, too!! hmmm....