Jay, Eli, and June!

Jay, Eli, and June!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Part Three: The Ross Clan!

Here are the last of the Christmas pics...Jay had a ball with the Ross' as you can tell. :)


 He thinks he is grown up here!
 I'm not sure where he found these glasses but it looks like he is attached.

 Cutie pie

 Check out that face..."now how am I supposed to eat this??"
 "here papa, cut this orange for me."

 Supervising daddy putting together his cozy coup from Mama and Papa Ross.
 Happy boy!
 I think he wants whatever Papa has.... so cute!

 Fishing with his new pole from Carrie and Oren.
 Cool man...
 Two clowns...
 All of us.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe what a little man he's become. Just wanted you to know that you were on my heart this holiday season. I know it was tough at times but praise the Lord you have Jay to help make new, cherished memories. Let us know next time you are traveling through Macon. We'd love to see you anytime.
