Jay, Eli, and June!

Jay, Eli, and June!

Monday, February 13, 2012

3 years with our wild man!

This is how he came downstairs after taking a nap the other day....I told him he looked like a crazy old man...he took it as a compliment.

Getting ready to watch the monster trucks!

Jay will be happy to illustrate the fine details of this extravaganza, including every flip and crash, as he has done for us all weekend

So happy with his daddy

This boy was in heaven!

Trying out his new tricycle for his birthday!

Three years ago at exactly 1:28pm we saw the face that changed our lives forever. I think Wes will agree that these have been the best three years of our lives. Which, when I think about that, seems weird considering how difficult some of that time has been with dad's death and the never-ending stress of residency. As I look back at how we made it through those horribly difficult times I think about the deep love we have for Jay, the way his hugs still give us butterflies, and the realization that he really is our entire world. He changed us the moment he was born and has taught us so much over these last three years.

Here is some of what I've learned from my precious boy...

- Love in its purest form
- Discipline really does hurt parents more than children
- How the most important things in the world become nothing compared to your baby
- Sometimes we all just need a good temper tantrum
- The importance of a daily nap
- To never take for granted being able to use the bathroom all by myself
- The difference between dump trucks, forklifts, and excavators
- Effective burping is probably the most valuable skill a parent can master
- Sometimes television is a necessary evil
- To always look through the trash before taking it out
- Never leave the house without gas drops
- How many curse words there are on basic cable
- The vast number of bears and monsters that live in and around the house
- Sticks make excellent shotguns
- Terrible words to hear while on I-20 going 70mph: "Uh oh, I gotta go poopey!"
- The sorrow of walking into a grocery store with no kids' cart available
- A child really can be "too smart for his own good"
- Bribery is a very effective parenting technique
- Children can live entirely on chicken nuggets and chocolate milk
- People drive way to fast through neighborhoods
- Tools needed to get toys out of their high-security packages: serrated knife and wire cutters 
- All of life's problems can be solved by a fireman
- The woes of daylight savings time
- The insanity that occurs between supper, bath, and bedtime every night
- The way my heart stops every time he says, "I love you, mommy."
- Knowing the blessedness that comes only from God and the undying gratitude that He has entrusted this perfect child into our care

May the Lord bless him and keep him, may the Lord always shine His face upon him and give him peace.


  1. What a SWEET blog. Thanks Shannon I LOVE IT!!!!
    Can't wait to see you all soon!!!

  2. Ditto what Wanda said!!! Jay really is a ham isn't he? He is definitely NOT afraid of the camera. The pics are sooo cute and I love your narrative!! I am looking forward to your visit. Love ya'll.

  3. What a sweet list...both the young Ross lads will have to read that once they get older.
