Jay, Eli, and June!

Jay, Eli, and June!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How do you argue (and win) with the world's most stubborn 3 year old?

Leftover from the reception pics, getting his big boy tie on

I was on the computer, eli was on his play mat, I look away for maybe 20sec and that is where he ended up...Roly Poly!

These days I just plop him in a basket full of toys as Jay plays around the house

There is a picture of Jay almost identical to this...Eli loves this thing as much as Jay did

Stopped for dinner on the way to Valdosta Friday

Cheezy boy not wanting to be left out

Adorable onesie that all three babies wore at the reunion!  "Favorite: Aunt mamie said so!"

"mom, take a picture of me now"

Watching Jay on the way home

Loves to eat!

Cute picture...until I notice his pants were wet. Then see the huge puddle of pee on my couch....a spanking quickly followed...I have no idea what got into my fully potty trained child!

Playing with his bowl after lunch

He would rather just feed himself, although very inefficient 

Another basket to play in...

Posing with his brother

Watching Jay (how he spends almost all of his days)

Eli is pretty sure Jay is crazy

He doesn't like prunes....

still sweet even though wore them instead of eating them

Dr Jay examining Eli

Pool fun

He loves this swing

Wes built us a deck for the pool and we love it!

Playing the piano this afternoon
We have been playing around the house this week and are all still recovering from so many trips home lately. These last two months have flown and I can't believe Eli will be 7 months next weekend!  He is so much fun but has been fussier than normal lately. I think it may be teething but I remember saying that for months with Jay and not the first tooth cut through. That is an excuse we moms spout out when we are in public and we try to explain why our supposedly sweet babies are acting like they are possessed. It does turn those annoyed looks into sympathetic ones so I will keep using it.

Jay has been a mess lately. I mentioned in my last update that he's been hard to manage and that is still the case. He's not really jealous of Eli anymore, at least. It's more of him acting out when he's mad or just being too bossy, hyper, or rough. And it changes by the second. I think, "oh what a sweet, smart boy I have" one minute and then consider taking him to a behavioral specialist the next. He is so strong willed and has such a temper. And now that he's getting older he wants to negotiate everything. He has an answer for everything and will keep arguing until we loose every last bit of patience we can find.

I have been researching this stage of parenting and have started a "happy Jar" that I hope will improve things. All my negative reinforcement apparently does not work. So when he does something good without me asking he gets beads. When the jar is full we will go to the store and get a toy. He has fun with it and some days gets beads all day. But other days I want to just throw all of them in the trash! It is hard for me to reward behavior that should just be something he does because he is a human being and not a wild animal. "Oh good Jay, you sat at the table and ate your food instead of running around the house jumping on the furniture." Today I asked him to pick up his toys so I wouldn't step on them and he went on to explain that if I "just step on this part of the toy it won't hurt". Then I told him he couldn't wear his soldier jacket outside because it's too hot and he needs short sleeves on so he said, "I know...", rolled his sleeves up, said, "see, they are short now" and went on his merry way.

I keep telling myself that everything is a phase with kids and we will get through it. Hopefully I will get my sweetheart back soon. Poor Eli doesn't know what to think about the constant outbursts and roller coaster of emotions in the house.

Otherwise, all is well. We had a wonderful time with family at the Darlington Reunion in Dixie. We had 3 new babies this year they were all so cute together. It was so fun watching the other kids all play and to catch up with everyone. Next year the babies will be right in the middle of the mix!

1 comment:

  1. Laughing out loud as usual at all your motherly anecdotes. You should write a book...remind me to tell you why I'm saying this!
