Jay, Eli, and June!

Jay, Eli, and June!

Friday, October 29, 2010

As if I didn't have enough animals to take care of...

Jay is now tall enough to reach my jewelry box on the dresser and spent an hour this afternoon going through each necklace to decide which ones he needed to wear. I guess we've found the next piece of furniture to clear off.
Eating yogurt (all by himself) last night. He literally had it on from head to toe....and thought it was hilarious.
Then he rubbed it in like lotion all over his chest and stomach.
Here is our new kitten.....we've had her about 2 weeks and it is a miracle she is still alive, Jay does not understand the "be gentle" part.....as you can see by the neck holding position here.
But he loves her...and gives her kisses all day. At night he kisses her, says "nite nite", and puts her to bed before heading up to his crib.
A mouth full of food.....
Holding the kitty while trying to calm down for bedtime. She is very patient with him and, so far, puts up with his "expressions of love".....of course, I'm sure that will change soon.
He is certain she is HIS baby.
Here are some new pictures finally. Things have just been crazy lately with me working, Wes' long hours, and random things we've had going on. I love my job but it does come with a good bit of extra work to do at home so nap time is dedicated to getting that done rather than the blog. We only have a few weeks left of the busy part though so hopefully I will get back to blogging more often.
Jay loves daycare now. He starts smiling and kicking until I get him out of the car and then runs in the room, turns around to me, and says "bye bye" and never turns back. It is so cute but, I confess, a little part of me is offended that he isn't even a little sad! Because he likes it so much I am going to keep him enrolled during December even though I won't be working. Hopefully, I can use that time to get some projects done around the house. I am going to teach 2 classes again in the spring semester which will start Jan 10th. This part time thing is so nice, I get some adult time but I'm still with him as much as I want to be. And he gets to socialize and have an outlet for all of his crazy energy.
As far as his milestones: he is taller than even 2 weeks ago (probably 34"), wears a size 7 in shoes, and in 24month and 2T clothes.
he eats non-stop one day and hardly anything the next. he loves fruit (still), peas (yay!), pasta, cookies, turkey dogs, pb&j, cheese, french fries, and chicken nuggets. When he gets tired of plain milk I give him chocolate milk and he slurps it down in one sitting. Otherwise, it is juice and water.
He is at the stage where he repeats (or tries to) a lot of what we say. This week he started saying "watch", "sit", "big bird", "elmo", "bath", "nite nite", "this", "that", "boo-boo", "book" and "bug." Boo-boo started when he cut his hand the other day and I put a band-aid over it. he was very concerned about that and watched it for the rest of the day. Over and over he'd look at him and ask, "boo-boo?" while pointing to the band-aid. And it was the very first thing he showed to Wes when he got home.
When we read books, I ask him where objects are and he will point to them. He knows so much more than he says and it is fun to see how much he is learning that way. He has about 4 books that we MUST read before he goes to sleep and after each one he says "done!" and we move on.
And then there is our newest little addition, kitty (at least until we name her), who Jay has fallen in love with. Kurt found some kittens at one of his construction sites and Wes convinced me that I needed something else to take care of around here! She is very cute but as I told Wes, "I already have 3 animals in my house, I don't need another one!" That didn't work and so we brought her home and Jay has adopted her as his own. And the poor thing is very submissive but is getting better at escaping from his death grip. She loves jake though so at least they can pair up and be friends.
That's my update. I'll try to have halloween pics up next week!


  1. The cat pics are way too cute! Pepperita--though that would be a mouthful for Jay to say--would be a fun name. I'll never forget Pepper demanding to drink out of your bathroom sink!

  2. BIG feet, Jay!! (or atleast it reminds me how tiny camden's are... :) Loved reading this! He sound like he is so much fun!! Miss ya'll!
