Jay, Eli, and June!

Jay, Eli, and June!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Trip to see family

playing out at the millpond in tifton

we found a dead snake, Jay was scared at first but then couldn't stop messing with it.

a quick look back for the camera

climbing on old trees

"helping" wes explore the woods

this old boat was just right for Jay

I thought the bottom of the dried up pond looked pretty

enjoying his morning coffee....he looks so old here


holding Eli before church

Mama Ross threw a great party for Jay, he loved every minute of it. Here is his train cake

Playing with Brooks

Jay thought his candle was candy....

We didn't see him biting it, just heard him say, "that's yucky" as he spit it out

At Mimi's...fishing by the pond

Jay had to bring his "noculars"

Talking and smiling with Mimi

Meeting Granny Curry!

Telling Papa about his fire dog

Wide awake now

On the way home....talking to daddy

And helping me feed Eli
We had a great time in south Georgia introducing Eli to all of our family!  He was so good in the car the whole week. I was very relieved and just hope every trip is this easy. I have to get Jay down for a nap soon so I will keep this update short. Jay is getting into one thing after another, as usual. He has been in a very lovey mood this week though. He comes up to me and Wes several times a day and just hugs us and says, "I love you mommy/daddy."  Maybe he is feeling guilty about his rebellious attitude over the last several months?  It is really sweet though. :)

Eli is getting more predictable with his schedule. I lay him down around 9 each night and he sleeps until 5ish. He takes 3 naps a day and is more playful when he is awake. He loves the mobile, bouncy seat, and play gym. His "words" are gggaaaa and aaahhhh. Sometimes he will really get going, like he is telling us a story in his little language. I've noticed that he talks more with Wes and smiles more with me. And now that he has learned how to smile, he does it all day long. This morning as he was eating, he would stop, turn to look at me, and give me the biggest, sweetest smile. He did this at least 5 times while he ate, it was so precious!  It is a little crooked smile, a lot different than Jay's, and seems to have more conviction behind it...like he is really thinking about whatever it is that caught his attention. He also loves watching his hands and is learning how to use them more each day. He has just started watching his feet too and, I can tell, he doesn't completely understand that they are attached to him. And that makes his confused expression so adorable.

Well Jay is starting his middle-of-the-day meltdown which is my clue that nap time is here. More updates to come soon!

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