Jay, Eli, and June!

Jay, Eli, and June!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our Eli is 3 months old!

Cutest picture EVER! caught by Mama Ross!

doesn't that little face just make you melt!?!

Trying to get a group picture....Notice Papa's arms forcing Jay to stay put

Sunday naps are always better with a baby on your chest.

Playing with an empty box....despite the toys all over the house

Now it's a surfboard, apparently

Why we continue to buy toys, I have no idea

Painting with our friends from next door

They had a ball but I am still cleaning up the mess!

Malaya, Jalen, and Shannon moved in just before Eli was born and they are true godsends! 

Jay is completely entertained by them every afternoon while I cook/clean/feed baby. And Malaya is a great babysitter!

My two "soldiers"

Sleeping his way through the zoo

Mimi and Jay!

Feeding the goats

3 months old!

 This week Wes had to go to San Antonio for some work training so Mom and Aunt Charlene came up to keep us company and we had the most fun! I pouted all last week just thinking about how I would keep myself from going completely crazy with these two boys alone all week so when Mom said they wanted to come up I was soooooo thrilled. I didn't take many pictures at all but we stayed busy the whole time.Wes is back now and we have been enjoying getting back to normal (is that really the right word for this circus??). He brought Jay back a davey crockett hat and Eli a stuffed armadillo. I woke up this morning to Jay dancing in front of the mirror yelling, "I am a raccoon!"  Just what we needed....one more obnoxious piece of clothing for Jay to wear. :)

Now for some updates:

Eli, 3 months old!  Wow, what a wonderful time it has been watching him grow. I do  have one minor complaint...he still isn't sleeping through the night! ugh!  Jay did at 11 weeks and I really thought Eli would beat him since he is such a calmer baby overall. He does sleep about 8 hours after I lay him down, which is nice, but I want the blessed 10-12 hours that I got from Jay. I think the difference is that Jay ate every 2 1/2 to 3 hours all day but Eli will go 3 to 4 hours easy. So there is the tradeoff, I guess. Too bad I can't just get the best of both worlds in this baby deal.

On to other things:  He is so close to that sweet belly laugh we have been waiting on. He is very ticklish and will start laughing every time but ends up just getting choked because he can't quite figure out how to coordinate all of his muscles. I know it will be very soon though...and I will try my best to get it on camera! 

I think he is about 11 1/2 pounds and gets chubbier every day. I noticed that his torso is really long but his legs are short. Combine that with his big wobbly head and he is pretty goofy looking. But cute as can be, of course!  I hope he gets more proportional as the months go by...poor thing.

He is getting more playful and loves to stretch, kick, and talk. He is really learning how to move his hands and loves to bat his toys around. He still doesn't consider Jay a playmate though....more like an annoying face that won't leave him alone. Soon....if only to appease Jay....I hope he will find him even a little bit entertaining. He still loves watching his feet move and is getting stronger head control every day. And, my favorite part, he loves smiling and cooing with us all day long.

Now for Jay:  He has learned how to be sneaky, if you can even call it that. He runs over to me with a giant smile and hands behind his back, obviously holding something and I ask, "what is behind your back?" He looks me right in the eyes and matter-of-factly says, "nothing" as if he is actually tricking me so he doesn't quite have the skill mastered yet.
He also has discovered that after I leave his room at night or nap time that he can do anything he wants because I think he is asleep. Of course, loud mouth has no idea how to be stealthy so I have had fun listening in as he plays his games.
He loves it when we tell him a secret but thinks that just whispering the word "secret" is all you have to do. I have tried to explain that "secret" is just a word to describe something else that you say but he is pretty sure that he knows what he's doing. And the poor child has NO idea how to keep a secret. Mom, Wes, and I have all said to Jay, "now don't tell anyone about this, it's our secret." and he will spill the beans as soon as he gets the chance.

He also loves it when I make up bed time stories. The only problem is that he tells me exactly how it is supposed to go, who should be in it, and how it should end. So if I tell my own version he says, "now tell another one about...." until I get it right. Lord have mercy, that child is bossy in every detail of his life!  And you know I have a problem with that since I prefer to be the bossy one. I told Wes that Jay and I have a love-hate relationship. And that makes me very concerned about how I will get through his teenage years without killing him. I can see a lot of dramatic knockdown dragouts in our future. It amazes Wes how Jay and I will be so unbelievably angry with each other one minute and then hug, kiss, and talk about how much we love each other the next. For Wes' sake, I pray that Eli continues to be our laid back one.

1 comment:

  1. Those goats look to be ginormous! Perhaps that's an idea for a burfday party...goat rides.
