Jay, Eli, and June!

Jay, Eli, and June!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Birthday Pictures!

Banging on the table after lunch

Trying out Jay's Cozy Coupe with Bre

This thing has seen a few crashes over the years...see the scratched eyes

Jake is back in business as the family garbage disposal

Eli loves it when he is bored with his food. I love it when I don't have to sweep up a mess after every meal.

Getting a photo with both boys looking, smiling, and acting normal is impossible!

Jay looks like he's sitting back to have a serious talk

Eli fights me about who gets to hold the bowl and spoon. He's sure he is able to feed himself, I am sure he's just going to make a huge mess. We seriously fight it out every time!

He is so proud that he won this time

Watching the garbage truck

Big boy eating all table foods finally! 

Laughing at me....

He is the pickiest eater!  If he doesn't like the way it looks he won't even try it. If he doesn't like the texture it spits it right back out. If he chews it up but then decides he's done he just spits it all back out. Why not just swallow it??? Because that makes too much sense.

Cheering....I guess he approved of this meal.

Cutie Pie needs a picture too

He does great with sippy cups except for the morning time. He will throw it across the room and scream bloody murder until I give in and just let him have a bottle. We are going to have WW III about this matter within the month.

Playing in the tub. By the look, Eli is either bored or annoyed with Jay....

I guess I'd be too if he kept putting things on my head.

Eli has loved baths from the start. He will stick his whole head under the faucet of running water and come out smiling.

Another photo attempt. Batman refused to cooperate.

I just love the looks Eli gives...how dare we force him to associate with such lowly people

Birthday time!  He dug right in. This boy knows how to eat cake.

We had the neighbors over for cupcakes. Eli paid them no mind.

Notice there are no pictures of him with just a little bit of chocolate on his face. I don't know how he got so messy so quickly. I blinked and he had a chocolate beard.

Seriously, Eli? You can't even stop to take a picture with us?

Ok, I know. These are redundant. But I just can't pick one picture. He is so cute!

Now for present time. Opening his gift that Papa and Mama Ross sent.

And guess who took over?

the big kids have to check it out first.

This toy was a hit, He plays with it constantly.

And the balls must taste good too.

clapping for Luke!

Later that night, still entertained!

Wes trying to show him how to use the hammer

Here are the pajamas mom sent for his birthday! 

Laughing with Jay

And with Daddy
I will post a detailed update on all of us (especially our big 1year old!)  soon. Just wanted to get these up while I had a few minutes. I am done teaching this semester so will have more time to stay updated! Mom has been sending me threatening emails for the past week so I knew if I didn't post something soon she'd surely come kidnap my babies (with help from Mama Ross, I'm sure).  


  1. Your statement reference kidnapping our grandboys was so true. I was very close to calling Mama Ross for a day trip. THE UPDATE WAS FUN & ENTERTANING. LOVE U ALL!!!

  2. Such great shots of the boys! You could be a professional photographer Shannon. And a journalist/writer with all your entertaining narratives and captions. These pics were so cute! Thanks for posting. Love to all.

  3. The Batman pic and the ones with the chocolate beard had me in stitches! Glad y'all are doing so well.
