Jay, Eli, and June!

Jay, Eli, and June!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Picture overload

Here are a ton of pictures from our fun over the last few weeks. Columbia is such a fun place to live in the fall. We are constantly going and doing things that the boys love. And every year it gets better as Jay gets older.

Loving the overalls!

Crazy boy will only take his bottle laying on the floor....he does this only for the night time bottle though

Another fall trip to the Corn Maze!

Last year, while walking through this maze, I had so many concerns about what our lives would be like in a few months with another addition. This year I can't imagine him not being with us. I still don't know why I was so worried. It felt so perfect with him joining us on the outside this time.

scowling at the sand

dirty, bald cutie pie

Driving the tractor

playing in the corn

tired out!

Waiting for the ball

I love watching these boys shake hands after the games....so funny

See his two bottom teeth!!!

we took Jay to the fire station last week...he was in awe!

sliding at the fair

since I wasn't pregnant this year I had the honor of being "ride partner"

Tired out...again

Jay felt left out with Eli riding on Daddy the whole time. They got some funny looks walking to the parking lot.

Riding on the ferris wheel!

Camping Trip!!!

So happy to be in his tent!

Barrett and Caleb got to join the guys and Jay loved having a partner in crime for the night!

So sweet!

And what camping trip wouldn't be complete without a few meltdowns?

Getting their war paint on!

finally home and resting...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting all the pictures. They are so cute. Glad ya'll are having so much fun. C U soon!!
