Jay, Eli, and June!

Jay, Eli, and June!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mama Ross and Papa!

I can't resist taking a picture every time he gets a bath....

Curled up as tight as he can be against Mama Ross.

This is how Papa and Jay looked after their daily nap....can you say "bedheads"??

Cuddling with Daddy

Jay was thrilled to show Papa and Mama Ross the river, and had to bring his shotgun, of course

Not sure what Jay was shooting here...but it was too important to stop and smile at the camera

Once Jay saw Wes get on the big rock he had to

Sitting with Papa...for about 3 seconds

By the way, are you as tired of seeing this fireman outfit as I am???

Sitting next to Mama Ross, again, for about 3 seconds

Dragging Mama Ross all over the rocks was the main purpose of the trip, apparently

Poor Jake, so neglected now, is enjoying some one-on-one time with his master

"Come on Mama Ross!"

Hugging on Papa

We went from the fireman jacket to fireman pj's....

"Helping" Mama Ross with work

Trying to play with Eli...Jay is having a blast, Papa Tim is a little concerned...

And now Papa is going to take Eli back...as Jay cracks up at his "game" that turned out to be hazardous for baby Eli

Right after the rescue...Eli is still worried with Jay only a foot away

"Keep me away from him, Papa"

"Why does that bright light keep flashing at me, Papa?"

Loving on Mama Ross before bedtime

Getting some cuddling in before they have to go
All of us

Sweet eyes

Jay did this handsome pose all by himself...

Sweet newborn kisses

Playing with Sunny

Showing her how to drive the cars...I'm sure she needed his advice
Here are my pictures from last week with family. We had a fun week with everybody and now I am trying to get ready for Tuesday when Wes goes back to work and I have to start being a real mom again. :)  With my mom here for two weeks, our wonderful SS class bringing in meals, and then the Ross' coming last week I haven't had to do much of anything these last three weeks. I told Mrs. Lynn that I don't think I remember how to cook anymore! And Jay has no idea that reality is going to hit us next week when it's just the three of us here all day. It was such a blessing to have everyone come visit...to each of us in different ways. Jay was completely entertained and, thanks to the warm weather, has been able to run and play outside as much as he wanted to. The best part was that he had all of his favorite people to play with day after day. I was able to completely focus on Eli...feeding him, loving on him, and just watching him for hours on end. Those are my favorite memories of Jay when he was born and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to give Eli the same kind of attention but with all of our family taking care of everything else I have had such a special time with him. Wes has enjoyed having some help with wild man, eating delicious meals, and being able to spend time with his parents. It is usually just me to go down and visit and even when they come up here he is working a lot so this has been a much needed "quality family time" for him. And we have had several date nights also! So, I guess it's time for me to start the real world of being a "mom of two" and learning how to take care of them without us all going crazy. :)  The biggest challenge, I have come to realize, is getting them both on the same schedule...or really, getting Eli on Jay's schedule. It took me almost 3 years to convince Jay to eat, play, and sleep when and where I wanted him to.....hopefully it won't take so long with this one!  So here's to our new world; no doubt it will be full of ear-piercing screams, daily time outs, hourly temper-tantrums, a whole bunch of poop, snot, and throw up, broken toys, broken bones, frequent bribes, unending arguments, tickle fights, pillow fights, fist fights, all followed by tons of laughs, games, cuddles, kisses, hugs, "I love yous" and memories that will melt our hearts for a lifetime....and as always....all babysitters and free entertainment welcome!


  1. Such a cute family y'all have made! I always love reading your posts and oggling the pictures. Also having fun with WWF, so I am happy when Eli gets hungry! Love all of you. Good luck with your NEW schedule. Hope you still have time to play.

  2. Oh yeah..HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO.

  3. Jay's "handsome pose"=hysterical!
